Sunday, March 8, 2009

The Brown Paper Bag Project

My Brown Paper Bag Project

I’ve been thinking a lot about how to be of service, share the goodness and inspire others to do the same. This is an experiment I decided to do this past weekend, but people seemed pretty jazzed about it so I wanted to share.

I had been given a nice gift of some cash (thanks Mom!). I knew that I wanted to use a chuck of the money for good and I thought it would be fun to involve my team of volunteer readers at USM. SO…I divided the moola up and put it (and other fun things like lotto tickets, cards, gift cards, sticky notes and stuffed animals) into brown paper bags. I invited the readers to pick a bag and use the contents in service, whatever that meant to them. What I wanted was to know, what they did and what happened. At the suggestion of my friend Laurel, I decided to make a blog about this project and people's escapes with the bags.

I used my paper bag to perpetuate this little project. I gave it to my waiter with the same instructions and my e-mail address so he could share his adventures.
I really want to keep the goodness going. So, I have decided to give at least 1 paper bag out every week to inspire people to be of service.
I want to invite all of you to play along to. Feel free to make a paper bag of your own. If you feel called, put my e-mail address ( or the blog address ( on the bag so we can track what comes of it.

Or, if you would like send me your info and I will include you on the next round of paper bags. In fact, for the first 10 people who comment here or on the blog I will send a paper bag with goodies inside. Your job will be to use the contents to be of service and report back.

I am open to other suggestions about how to keep this all going.
Much love,
Jo Anna


  1. I love this and look forward to hearing the upcoming experiences. Please let me know where I can send goodies to include.

    L&L, Kasha-Shana

  2. I sent off my 'gift in a bag' this afternoon to a friend who is about to lose her home. I told her how much her friendship means to me and hoped that the lottery ticket (the gift in the bag) would bring some cash her way!
    Thanks Jo Anna, I am inspired by this gift of service and started my own version today.
    Blessings, Karen E.

  3. Jo, this is so great. My Service as been to buy gift cards from our local supermarket and hand them out. You know I love you!

  4. If you want to donate some goodies, that would be SO COOL!
    E-mail me @
    and I will send my address.

  5. Hi Joanna, I picked up two bags when you came to read for second year at USM. I put them aside thinking I'll get to them soon. Finally yesterday I try to think about what I could do so I opened the phone book and closed by eyes and just pointed and picked two people and sent my little tresures off. It was so fun and it only took a few minutes. It was truly a random act of kindness. Thanks for doing this project and I hope I see you soon. Suzanne Ward

  6. Hi Joanna,
    My bag had a $10 bill in it, and I gave it to a homeless man that I see almost every day near my work. I've walked by him so many times and each time he asks for money. This time I walked up to him, looked him in the eyes and and handed him the bag and said "God Bless You". He had tears, and said "Thank YOU so much. God bless." I could tell he really felt blessed by the experience, and so I say "Thank you" to you, Joanna. You're lovely!!

    Jana Young
