Saturday, May 2, 2009

Here are two more paper bag adventures. What I love about service, is how good it feels to do. It isn't a burden or a heavy weight. It is something people seem to love to do. I recently gave out well over 50 bags to the volunteer team during a second year weekend at USM ( I can't wait to hear from more people.


"…my car has been filthy for a couple of months now and unfortunately I don't have the means to wash it in the apartment building i live in. So I went to get my car washed with my coupon and while I was waiting for my car to be done I was really looking at the guys who clean the cars and I thought they work so hard and are probably rarely acknowledged. I can only afford to give them 2 or 3 dollars and was thinking how nice it would be to be able to give them more and then WHAM....I remembered your bag and that I had $10 from it that I still needed to give away and I knew I wanted to give it to the guy who was cleaning my car! And I'm sooooooo glad I did. He was so sweet and appreciative. When he looked at the $10 his face lit up like a little kids and he said "This is a lot". I said "well I want to thank you for doing such a good job and acknowledge you for it." He was so thankful and as he walked away I was looking at him in my rear view mirror and watched him show another guy how much he got with a huge smile on his face. HE WAS SO CUTE AND I FELT SOOOOO GOOD! I was on a high for the rest of the day. Thank you Jo Anna.....sincerely for this opportunity.




"Hi Jo Anna,


I loooove your bag project!!

I'm glad I took 2 bags!  I haven't used the second one yet, but here's my story about this first one:


I opened it and inside was a glorious $5.00 bill!!  Well, with my Jewish genetics and the state of the economy today, my first thought was something like - "Oh, I can be of service to myself!!"  Then, of course, the guilt set in so I decided that wasn't a very good idea!!   (Editor's Note: I think being of service to yourself is a totally legit and needed form of service.)


I went to bed Saturday night and set an intention to get clarity on what to do with it.  I woke up with no clear direction.  I then did my SE's (a form of medita tion) before I went to USM and at the end of my SE's it was VERY clear - bring it back to USM and give it to Ron and Mary as a seed for 50 million dollars for the web project!!!  I was able to catch them as they were arriving and gave it to them.  Ron asked for the bag as well so he could see what you are doing, so I couldn't pass that one on, but I have another one - after I use it, I'll put a surprise in it and pass it on!


I felt really great about doing that.  It seemed like a very special $5.00!!


Thank you for offering this to us all.  I'm excited to read what other folks have done!

Much Loving to you and Light to your project!

In joy,
